At first , bGelo/b was just giving me smiles when I told him that im on a venue hunt. But when I told him that most venues are booked already , it hit him somehow. He even called a clubhouse and was surprised na book na talaga sila. ... People might be on bvacation/b , plus of course, I have to adjust a little for my family who will all come home for the lil girl's big day! This is my most anticipated part of all. The last time my parents were here was during Joaqui's 1st bday ...
?Cristal de bGelo/b? Para bHotel/b de Unhais. Associaç?o Amigos da Serra da Estrela considera o H2otel SPA, de Unhais, uma ?ousadia inovadora e equilibrada?. Natura IMB bHotels/b premiado com ?Cristal de bGelo/b? ...